Endowed Scholarships & Funds

Student Endowed Scholarships are an excellent means of honoring someone special in your life or memorializing a loved one. First, establish an endowed scholarship with a minimum of $10,000. Added gifts and interest build the endowment until it reaches maturity at $50,000. Once matured, established funds work harder to meet the needs of our students. So, start your Endowed Scholarship today or join some current funds already in need of your gift; you decide!

PhD Fellowships are the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a PhD student. By establishing a PhD Fellowship, you create a competitive environment for the best and brightest Masters level students who wish to have this distinct honor. Required is an initial investment of $50,000. $250,000 is what it takes to fund a Fellowship fully. 

Faculty Professorships begin with an investment of $60,000. Each Faculty Professorship aids in attracting and retaining top theologians, affording them the resources to research and write. The Seminary Faculty uniquely shapes the context of theological training when given the necessary support through a professorship.

Faculty Chair is the highest honor bestowed upon a faculty member. Faculty members occupying a chair often have greater responsibilities to the department and institution. $500,000 begins a fully funded $2.0 million chair goal. Maybe you want to donate to a faculty chair in need of funding? There are many options for you. Contact the Advancement team to find out which chairs require extra funding to become fully endowed.

Endowed Funds (non-student scholarship) are pretty varied. Beginning at $50,000, these funds are made possible for sustaining the Seminary’s classrooms (both physical and virtual), library, internet, and buildings. In addition, there are often naming rights associated with endowed funds. 

The Unrestricted Endowment is an endowed fund that works to support the Seminary's pursuit of operational excellence. Unrestricted gifts are the most valuable to the Seminary, and this endowment's interest income bolsters the strength of operating revenue. In addition, annual and planned financial contributions made to the Unrestricted Endowment provide critically needed support to keep ministry training in the strategic geographical context of New Orleans.

For more information on how you can be the hero to students in need through an endowed scholarship, contact the Office for Institutional Advancement at 504-816-8224 or email us at development@500hudson.com. We will be happy to help you.

Non-Endowed Scholarships & Funds

Student Aid Scholarships are an easy way to support students. Setting up the stipulations and making donations through the Office for Institutional Advancement helps our Financial Aid department award the scholarship to qualified students. We suggest that you consider giving no less than $2,250 per year towards Student Aid Scholarships, as this amount will cover one 3-hour class per semester.

General Student Aid (non-tax deductible) - Hundreds of students are supported by their local congregation, friends, or family members through general student aid. Your gift toward a student pursuing theological education is sacrificial.

You can help a student at any time using General Student Aid. If donating by check, make it payable to NOBTS and place the student’s name and student ID number in the memo line of your check. Then, send those checks to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary at 3939 Gentilly Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70126. To give online, go to 500hudson.com/donate and follow the instructions.

Emergency Student Aid functions as it sounds. When students find themselves in financial hardship, the generosity of alumni and friends steps in through Emergency Student Aid.

For more information on non-endowed scholarships and funds, contact the Office for Institutional Advancement at 504-816-8224 or email us at development@500hudson.com. We will be happy to help you.

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